
Annie Baxter is the Business Recruitment Manager at Duke Energy Corporation.  Prior to joining Duke Energy, Annie Baxter was the director of the Logistics, Energy, Agribusiness and Food Processing (LEAF) industry team within the Global Commerce Division of the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD). Annie has served twice with GDEcD, most recently as senior project manager for the Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Manufacturing (ADAM) team and previously as a statewide project manager. Annie has assisted companies such as Caterpillar, Keurig Green Mountain, Systemax, Bed, Bath and Beyond and King’s Hawaiian with locations.

Prior to her times with the GDEcD, Annie worked for the Electric Cities of Georgia and the Albany Dougherty Economic Development Commission. While there, Annie worked alongside the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the Georgia Allies and all local Georgia communities to recruit new industry to the State of Georgia for the purpose of job creation, capital investment and the expansion of Georgia’s tax base.

Annie serves as a board member of the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) and Advisory Director of its 2014 Future Leaders Class. Annie also chairs the Young Professionals Committee of the Georgia Economic Developers Association.

Annie is a graduate of the University of Georgia receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, journalism and public relations.